What is Winstrol Depot?

Winstrol is also known as Stanozolol. Initially, it was used to treat medical conditions such as angioedema and osteoporosis. Bodybuilders and professional athletes have used Winstrol for decades; it was founded in 1962. 
Winstrol is too famous because it gives incredible and highly valuable results. It also offers concern to sporting performance. Most bodybuilders prefer Winstrol during the preparation for a competition; It helps them to burn their fats and gain mass.
Winstrol has strong anabolic and androgenic effects that make it powerful Anabolic Steroids. Winstrol has a 320:30 anabolic to androgenic ratio. You can use Winstrol alone, or you can stack them with other anabolic steroids. Winstrol doesn’t cause water retention or suffer estrogenic side effects that make it perfect steroids for lean mass gain. 
Bodybuilders can achieve their goals, whether it is weight loss, quality mass gain, or cutting using Winstrol, but it will surely depend on how they use Winstrol, what food supplement they are taking and what steroids are combined with it. 
Winstrol is a very effective compound when you use them correctly. There are many reasons why bodybuilders prefer Winstrol steroids. Let’s check them out in detail.

  • It Increases The Size Of Your Muscles

Every bodybuilder wants to improve their physical appearance by building lean muscle mass. Their main goal of bodybuilders is to build muscle bigger and stronger. Winstrol can help them to achieve their goals. 
The correct dosage of Winstrol gives effective results with a workout. It can help you to grow muscle faster than naturally, you can gain with exercise. In addition, Winstrol helps them to define the muscles. 

  • It Increases Your Stamina And Strength

It is another reason that bodybuilders use Winstrol. When you intake them with protection and proper cycle dosage, Winstrol can increase your body strength and stamina. 
Bodybuilders not only end up with muscle gain, but they also need an amount of stamina to do more workout, and lots of workouts can give you great benefits. When you do a proper workout with Winstrol dosage, it will help you gain muscle mass, and proportionally it will increase your body strength and stamina. 

  • Improve Endurance

Winstrol is the finest choice for bodybuilders to increase their endurance. When bodybuilders intake Winstrol, it will improve the production of red blood cells in the body. 
This increasing red blood cells production gives more oxygen to the body, including muscles. Higher oxygen levels give bodybuilders more stamina to do more workout for a more extended period. 
It can also help them to recover from several injuries quickly. That means consuming a proper dosage of Winstrol; bodybuilders can do more challenging workouts than regular workouts. 
Winstrol is the third most popular and widely used anabolic steroid of all time, with the first being Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) and the second being Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate). Winstrol was developed in 1959 and initially manufactured and released onto the prescription drug market by Winthrop Laboratories in the United Kingdom. In 1961, however, Sterling in the United States obtained the patent for the manufacture and sale of Winstrol in 1961 and began manufacturing and selling it on the American prescription drug market in 1962. Although Winstrol is known more popularly as an oral anabolic steroid, its injectable counterpart is commonly referred to as Winstrol Depot. It is named as such because it is designed to be injected deep into muscle tissue where it forms what is known at the site as a depot where the hormone is gradually released from this site. All injectable anabolic steroids are actually properly referred to as depots (whether they are oil-based or water-based does not matter), as the term ‘depot’ is a medical term. Depots can be solid, oil, or water based. Hence, if an anabolic steroid or a drug is followed by the word ‘depot’, it means that it is indeed an injectable variant of the drug.
Winstrol’s major popularity lies in its oral format, although the injectable is fairly popular as well. The reason as to why many individuals opt for the oral Winstrol instead of Winstrol Depot is because there is no difference chemically, structurally, or pharmacologically between the two. Therefore many individuals reason that if there is no difference between them, that they might as well opt for the more convenient route of administration, which tends to be ingestion orally. However, Winstrol Depot does offer a couple of small advantages that the oral format does not. First of all, when Winstrol is ingested orally, it must make a mandatory first pass through the liver (something that must occur with any and all eaten and ingested substances through the oral route). It is through this that the oral version of Winstrol exhibits a greater measure of liver toxicity than Winstrol Depot does. Because Winstrol Depot does not require a first pass through the liver, the potential impact of liver toxicity is greatly diminished (although it is not completely eliminated). Winstrol Depot also exhibits a longer half-life of 24 hours in comparison to the oral variant, which expresses a half-life of 9 hours. This would require less frequent administrations of Winstrol Depot (this will be expanded upon in greater detail shortly).
Of course, because Winstrol is chemically identical whether it is in its oral format or not, Winstrol Depot can indeed be ingested orally (drunken by the user) with the same effect as the ingestion of oral Winstrol tablets. Winstrol Depot is characterised by the fact that it is a water-based injectable suspension. A suspension is a heterogenous mixture that contains solid particles within a liquid, and in order for proper even dispersion prior to administration it must be well shaken. Suspensions can be either an injectable or oral product that is usually water-based (but can also be based in any other types of liquid), with the active ingredient in the form of solid micro crystals. In the case of Winstrol Depot, Winstrol itself is contained in micro crystals that must be shaken prior to injection. Winstrol Depot is generally regarded by many athletes and bodybuilders as being a very painful injectable product due to the fact that it is water based and that the hormone is contained within micro crystals that necessitate larger needle gauges to effectively inject it. Not only is the injection itself reportedly painful, but the following hours and days come with a great deal of post-injection pain (PIP) at the injection site.
Winstrol Depot is commonly found in 50mg/ml preparations as both pharmaceutical grade format as well as underground lab (UGL) product. Preparations containing concentrations greater than 50mg/ml are almost never seen, due to the sheer fact that 50mg/ml is regarded as quite painful and discomforting as it is. However, oil-based solutions of depot are becoming more popular, although it should be noted that these are all underground lab products and that an actual oil-based Winstrol Depot of pharmaceutical origin is yet to be confirmed. Winstrol itself is known to be chemically very difficult to suspend in an oil-based solution, hence why it began as a water based suspension product (and is still the most common form of Winstrol Depot available). Underground laboratories, however, have discovered different recipes of solvents and co-solvents to be able to successfully manufacture Winstrol Depot as an oil-based solution. Through this, higher dosed Winstrol Depot products have been seen (such as 100mg/ml instead of the traditional 50mg/ml). Once again, these products are exclusively of UGL origin (at this time, anyhow).

See also  Winstrol Depot Side Effects

Why Is It So Popular?

Winstrol Depot’s popularity, as previously mentioned, tends to fall short in comparison to its oral counterpart for the reasons previously outlined. Winstrol is what is known as a Dihydrotestosterone derivative (DHT derivative), belonging to the family of DHT derivatives. Other anabolic steroids within this family include Anadrol (Oxymetholone), Anavar (Oxandrolone), Masteron (Drostanolone), and several others. Anabolic steroids derived from DHT, such as Winstrol, carry with them similar properties and features as the parent hormone (in this case, the parent hormone is Dihydrotestosterone). Winstrol, therefore, is unable to convert into Estrogen (aromatization) at any dose. Its chemical modifications also grant it a very strong anabolic strength. In comparison to Testosterone, Winstrol exhibits 3.2 times the anabolic strength (Testosterone’s anabolic rating is 100 while Winstrol’s anabolic rating is 320). While its anabolic strength is considerably larger than Testosterone, its androgenic strength has been significantly reduced to a rating of 30 (while Testosterone’s androgenic rating is 100).
For a greater in-depth and detailed explanation of why Winstrol possesses these characteristics and what its chemical modifications are, please see the general Winstrol profile. Because Winstrol does not provide any water retention or Estrogen related fat retention/gain, it has become a very popular anabolic steroid for athletes looking to maintain weight and speed without the bulky unwanted water weight. It is therefore a very popular anabolic steroid among athletes in sports such as sprinting, track and field, boxing, and other similar sports where sheer mass and large weight gain is not desired.

How Does Winstrol Depot Work and How Is It Best Used?

Winstrol Depot is quite the versatile anabolic steroid, capable of assisting bulking and mass cycles as equally as cutting cycles. The majority of bodybuilders and athletes tend to utilise Winstrol Depot in cutting and lean mass cycles where raw lean muscle growth is desired without the unsightly and unwanted water retention that tends to bring with it a soft puffy look to the physique. Winstrol Depot is also reported by many athletes and bodybuilders to bring about an accelerated effect on fat loss and leanness. It is commonly revered for its capability to enhance the definition of the physique, bringing out the ‘hard’ and ‘3D’ look to the muscles. As such, it is a particular favourite for pre-contest bodybuilders in the weeks leading up to a competition show.
Because Winstrol Depot avoids the first pass through the liver, it can be run for longer periods of time than its oral counterpart. The oral variant of Winstrol, like all oral C17-alpha alkylated anabolic steroids, is recommended for use no greater than 6 – 8 week periods. Because Winstrol Depot avoids initial direct exposure to the liver, it can be run longer in the range of 10 weeks. However, it should still be understood that because both the oral and injectable variants are 100% identical, Winstrol Depot is also C17-alpha alkylated and will still express a degree of liver toxicity (although lesser than the oral variant) and is one of the only injectable compounds to do so.

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Winstrol Depot Side Effects

Side effects that are a little more exclusive to Winstrol Depot have much to do with the uncomfortable and highly irritating injections (resulting almost exclusively from the suspension format). It is not uncommon to have very sore injection sites in the hours and days following administration, and to have a significant loss of range of motion of that muscle due to the pain. Often times, bodybuilders will even have to shift and schedule workouts around their Winstrol Depot injections, as the muscles injected might be too sore and tender to train soon afterwards. Winstrol itself carries with it comes significant side effects as well, most particularly the significant negative impacts on cholesterol levels in the body. Winstrol is notorious for reducing HDL (good cholesterol) levels and increasing LDL (bad cholesterol) levels in the body, which can contribute to increased risk for cardiovascular disease if left negatively altered for extended periods of time. Proper supplementation with cardiovascular supportive nutrients and compounds are highly advised. Being that Winstrol Depot is also C17AA modified, it does exhibit potential liver toxicity, although less so than its oral counterpart. Regardless, it is highly advised to include proven effective liver support compounds (such as TUDCA and/or NAC) during a cycle of Winstrol Depot.

Effects and Benefits of Using Injectable Winstrol:

  • An ultimate cutting effect. The use of liquid Stanozolol helps to get rid of both fat and excess liquid. So, a muscle relief looks lean and ripped, and veins get more visible.
  • A quality bulking effect. This steroid makes muscles both bigger and stronger.
  • Enhancement in strength and durability. One of the reasons for that ― an increase in the production of red blood cells. Consequently, using this steroid, an athlete can train harder and longer.
  • A significant reduction in a globulin level (over 45%). In other words, injectable Winstrol increases the effectiveness of other anabolic steroids.
  • Appetite stimulation.
  • A low risk of androgenic side effects. As a result, specialists frequently recommend it to female bodybuilders.
See also  Winstrol Depot Description

Administration and Dosage while Using Liquid Winstrol

First of all, to keep the sufficient concentration of Stanozolol in the blood, you will need to make injections every day. In the case of cutting cycles, sports doctors usually recommend taking 50mg of injectable Winstrol per day. The optimal duration of the cycle of liquid Winstrol is 6-8 weeks. Certainly, if you want to avoid adverse health consequences, you should not plan the cycle at your own disposal, entrust that to a doctor. In addition, you should obligatory follow the cycle of injectable Winstrol with the post cycle therapy in order to recover the normal production of natural testosterone and to avoid the costly and long-lasting treatment in the future.

Cycles and Stacking Variants

Also, in most cases doctors recommend athletes use injectable Winstrol in stacks with other steroids, since the use of such blends provides better results. For example, you can combine it with Anavar, Primobolan, Trenbolone or Turinabol.

Winstrol Results

  •  Winstrol can give bodybuilders the best effective results when they combine these factors:
  • Winstrol will give you far better results when you combine them with other anabolic steroids for bulking and cutting cycle. 
  • When you are performing a cutting cycle, dieting is the most important part. Winstrol helps you to protect your muscle gain when you are on a low-calorie diet. 
  • Winstrol can be widely used by both men and women with a recommended dosage cycle.
  • Winstrol can help your body recover faster and gives power, strength, and speed to do more workouts.


You can use the Winstrol solo cycle or stack them with other anabolic steroids such as Dianabol, Deca Durabolin, and Anavar. We recommend you to use Winstrol only if you are older than 21 years, and if you have any pre-medical treatment going on, don’t use them. 
Before starting this steroid treatment, consult your doctor and do an entire body check-up to ensure everything is okay. No matter which anabolic steroids you can use, and some of the experienced users say they are risky, but if you take them properly with protection, you can avoid all the possible side effects and get the best results.