In the first major bodybuilding championships, doping test winner Sean Ray and prominent Canadian pro Nimrod King were found to be using Winstrol (1990) (stanozalol). (Flex, July 1990, p. 70). At the 1993 World Athletics Championships in Stuttgart, two cases of stanozalol use were identified. Croce: Winstrol is a very effective steroid when used correctly. It is also important to distinguish between its two forms, as injectable Winstrol Depot is much more effective than oral Winstrol. This is why most athletes prefer this drug.

Product Features

The peculiarity of injectable Winstrol Depot is that its active chemical, like all steroids, is usually soluble in water and not in oil. Although almost every bodybuilder who has been exposed to steroids knows this difference, in practice this information is rarely applied: the interval between injections of long-acting Winstrol should be shorter than when using other steroids. This means that long-acting Winstrol should be injected more frequently than oil-soluble steroids (including Primobolan, Deca-Durabolin, Sustanon 250, Parabolan, etc.) This is due to the relatively short half-life of water-soluble steroids, as they are rapidly released into the bloodstream but have a short duration of action. In practice, long-acting Winstrol 50mg/ml should be taken at least twice a day, with best results achieved with a daily dose of 50 mg. The active ingredient stanozolol is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, so long-acting Winstrol does not aromatise into estrogens and rarely causes water retention.
Based on these two characteristics, the most important area of long-acting Winstrol is bodybuilding: the pre-competition period. When combined with a protein-rich, calorie-dense diet, long-acting Winstrol gives muscles hardness and firmness. Long-acting Winstrol is generally not used as the sole dietary steroid because, due to its low androgenic component, it does not reliably protect lifters from muscle tissue damage. The lack of a strong androgenic effect is compensated by the combined use of Parabolan. “The combination of Winstrol 50 mg/day and Finadget 30 mg/day was the “top of the line” combination until a few years ago. Since the original Finaject is no longer manufactured, Parabolan has taken over this role.

See also  Winstrol Depot Description

Product Features

Use of medicines

Depending on the athlete’s performance, 50 mg Winstrol dl is usually used every 1-2 days and Parabolan 76 mg/1.5 ml every 1-3 days. Although there is no scientific evidence to support a specific interaction between Winstrol d.d. and Parabolan, based on several case studies it is very likely that synergistic effects may occur. Other steroids that have been successfully used in preparation for championships with Winstrol d.o.d. include Masteren, Venobol, Halotestin, Oxandrolone, Testosterone Propionate, Primobolan and growth hormones.
However, Winstrol d.d. is not only suitable for championship preparation but also for the preparation phase. Since it does not help water retention, rapid weight gain with Winstrol is very rare. However, muscle mass and strength increase proportionally and are usually maintained even after discontinuation of the drug. Bodybuilding athletes looking to increase strength and mass often combine Winstrol d.d. with Dianabol, Anapolol 50, testosterone and Deca-Durabolin. With 100 mg Anapolone 50 per day, 50 mg Winstrol dl/d and 400 mg Deca-Durabolin per week, an athlete will very slowly approach the ambitious doses of a major sports lifter. Older athletes and novice steroid users can progress well with Winstrol d.d. and Deca-Durabolin or Winstrol d.d. and Primobolan d.d. This is still a relatively harmless combination that usually does not cause significant side effects and leaves the novice steroid trainee plenty of room for “stronger” substances at this stage. Winstrol d.d. is primarily an anabolic steroid with relatively minor androgenic effects that can be seen in women using only a 50 mg dose per week and in men at a higher dose. Female athletes are more likely to have problems if they are injected twice weekly with 50 mg. Although the effects of Winstrol d.d. are considerably reduced after a few days and injections are needed at least twice a week, unwanted androgens can accumulate in the female body, which can lead to virilisation phenomena. However, a 50 mg Winstrol-d.d. dose every other day for novice athletes is the rule rather than the exception.

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Other non-androgenic side effects such as headaches, muscle cramps, low HDL and LDL levels and rarely high blood pressure can occur in both women and men. The likelihood of liver damage with Winstrol injections is very low, but high doses can lead to elevated liver values. Because Winstrol is water-based, it is generally more uncomfortable and painful to inject than oil-based solutions.

Use of medicines

Although there are many fakes of injectable Winstrol, the original “Vinny”, as it is affectionately called by people who use it, is easy to identify because of its unusual release form. At first glance, it is the contents of an ampoule: a milky-white, watery liquid, but with a few distinctive features. If the ampoule is left unused for some time, the original wine will precipitate, i.e. the active substance will separate from the aqueous liquid of the injection. If the ampoule is kept for several hours in its container or on the table, the active substance will accumulate and appear as a white layer at the bottom of the beaker, and only when the ampoule is shaken repeatedly will it mix with the clear aqueous liquid, which will have become transparent during that time. The ampoule containing 1 ml of the suspension with 50 mg of stanozolol dissolved in it usually has a white layer about the height of a fingernail. The taker can easily tell if it is really an injectable Winstrol with stanozolol or if it is something with a smaller dose of the chemical. Under no circumstances should you buy ampoules or glass bottles containing more than 1 ml of suspension, as the 1 ml glass bottles contain only the original Winstrol Injicable. The original Spanish Zambona ampoules have an unusually wide belly and brown font.

See also  Results of Winstrol Depot


There is another downside, as several injections gradually create the aforementioned scar tissue in the buttocks, forcing athletes to inject Winstrol into the shoulders, legs or even calves. Although injecting Winstrol into certain muscle groups is only a necessity, it is becoming increasingly popular as athletes have found that it leads to faster growth of those muscles.


An American bodybuilding expert, famous for his iron triceps, is grateful for Winstrol dl. e. e. This drug should not be confused with Eziclen, which is also often used. Athletes who wish to avoid daily injections usually take 2-3 mg Winstrol d.d. 2 times a week. The US injectable stanozolol, Winstrol Depot, is manufactured exclusively for veterinary use and is called WINSTROL V. The chances of finding this product in Germany are non-existent, so do not buy anything that sounds American.